Thermionik, Recabinet 5, KClip 2, masterDither, ValvEQ authorization instructions

Our legacy login/password based plugin authorization system is no longer online, so if you find yourself stuck in demo mode, simply download and unzip the legacy user keyfile and copy to the appropriate path.


/Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Kazrog LLC/kazrog.key


C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Kazrog LLC\kazrog.key

* Where YOUR_USERNAME is your actual username.

If done successfully, your plugin will be shown as "Registered to Legacy User." This is normal - you're set!

Recabinet 3 authorization instructions

Recabinet 3 used an older keyfile system, but the process is similar to above. Download and unzip the Recabinet 3 keyfile and copy to the appropriate path.


/Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Kazrog LLC/Recabinet3LicenseKey


C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Kazrog LLC\Recabinet3LicenseKey

* Where YOUR_USERNAME is your actual username.

If done successfully, your plugin will be shown as registered to "licensekey." This is normal - you're set!